Security, data and privacy

At Praccelerate, Patient medical data is at the core of our offering and we take that responsibility very seriously. If you have any questions, please email

Security on the Praccelerate platform follows current best practises. Our infrastructure is powered by Google Firebase and security is at the forefront of everything we build. All data is encrypted.
Who owns the data
You own it and you control it with complete transparency.
Where is my data stored?
Your data is stored on Australian servers and is compliant with the Australian Privacy Act.

How is my data stored?

All patient data is encrypted for your security and peace of mind.

Who has access to my data?
Yourself (via your user account), Praccelerate admins and Firebase admins.
The Praccelerate system is fully compliant with the Australian Privacy Act. Infrastructure

Google Cloud Platform was built under the guidance a 700+ person security engineering team, which is larger than most on-premises security teams. Specific details on their approach to security and data protection including details on organisational and technical controls regarding how Google protects your data, can be found in the Google Security Whitepaper and Google Infrastructure Security Design Overview.

  • At Praccelerate, we use the following Google services:
  • Cloud Storage
  • Firestore
  • Functions
  • Identity Platform
Click here for more detailed information.

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