Quick guide

Getting started

The Op Notes application is available via the browser (desktop use) or a native iOS app (mobile use). For an optimal user experience, we recommend that you:

  • Create templates on a desktop computer or an iPad with a keyboard.
  • Create patient notes using the iOS mobile app.



iOS app:

Download on the Apple App Store


You will land on the dashboard every time you sign in. From the dashboard, you can access all areas of the application.


Patient mode (blue)

The BLUE buttons represent actions that relate to creating and submitting patient Op Notes.

Clinician mode (green)

The GREEN buttons represent actions that relate to template management and your library of universally available options



  • Change your account password by going into security via the hamburger menu in the top left.
  • If you have forgotten your password, go to https://app.praccelerate.com/ and click the forgotten password link.


  • Your name and contact number are automatically inserted into your Op Notes. They can be changed by going to your profile via the hamburger menu in the top left of your dashboard.
  • To change your email address, please email support@praccelerate.com.

Understanding templates

Templates are fully customisable and follow a structure of groups, sections, options and selections


  • A template is comprised of 6 GROUPS (Admin, Pre Op, Op Info, Op Narrative, Post Op, Images)
  • Group titles cannot be changed
  • Group order cannot be changed


  • Within each GROUP you can add SECTIONS
  • You can add as many SECTIONS as required
  • The order of SECTIONS can be edited
  • SECTION titles can be changed


  • Within each SECTION you can add OPTIONS
  • You can add as many OPTIONS as required
  • The order of OPTIONS can be edited
  • Long OPTIONS can be labelled for easy display within a list


  • An OPTION can be selected to pre-fill your template
  • Click the empty circle (not selected) to make it ticked (selected)

The template structure displays on the Patient Op Note (PDF) as shown below.

Editing templates

Create a template

  • Click on the templates button.
  • Click on the kebab icon (3 vertical dots in the top right) to reveal a menu of options
  • You can import a template from the Op Notes central template library
  • You can copy an existing template
  • You can create a blank template from scratch
  • Enter the template name in the text field and click the Save button

Your new blank template will now appear in your list of existing templates.

Add a new section

  1. Click on the the green ‘kebab’ icon in the top right corner
  2. Click the Add/hide section button
  3. Click the New section button at the bottom
  4. Enter the new section name and click Save
  5. Click the ‘eye’ icon next to the section you have just created and click save

The new section now appears and is ready to have options added.

Add a new option

  1. Click on the section name under which you want to add your option
  2. Click the Add option button
  3. Write new option and click Save
  4. Click on the ‘empty circle’ icon adjacent to the new option and click Save

The new option now appears in the template.

Universal Library

The universal library houses reusable sections and options that you can use throughout the application at any time. Write once and reuse again and again.

  • When you create a new section or option, it is automatically added to your library for future use
  • Sections and options can be edited via the library
  • If you make changes to a section or option in your library, it will update all your templates (but not your submitted or pending notes)
  • In patient mode, you can create a new option as a single use for that note but choose not to add it to your library if it is a special case

Creating a Patient Op Note

Planning for an elective surgery list

You can create a Pending (draft) Op Note for a patient that is pre-filled in advance of the operation. It is recommended that every patient on an elective list has a pre-written note before the list begins.

  • Click 'Create Note' from your dashboard
  • Select the correct template
  • If you do not have a suitable template, you should create a new one or import one from the Praccelerate template library

When creating notes for patients, you are working within the 'blue area' of the application.

Pre-fill the Pending Note

  • Enter all relevant information for each of the 5 groups (admin, pre-op, op info, op narrative and post-op) including item numbers and tailored postoperative orders
  • The Op Note automatically saves
  • When you are done, click the back button to exit
  • Repeat this process for all patients in the elective list
  • The red badge on 'Pending Notes' highlights the number of pending notes in your account

Day of surgery

Once the operation is finished, click Pending Notes on your dashboard and select the patient.

  • Check the note and make any changes
  • Sections with a red asterisk are compulsory and you will see a blue tick once those sections have been completed.
  • You can preview the PDF by clicking the Review PDF button
  • When you are ready to finalise your note, click the Submit button
  • Once submitted, no further changes can be made to the Op Note

Sharing the Op Note

  • Click the share icon (top right) to share the PDF by email or any other channel that your smart device supports (e.g. WhatsApp)
  • Add a passcode to the PDF to ensure it is HIPAA compliant
  • You are responsible for providing the passcode to the recipient
  • If you do not want to add a passcode, you can press the skip button in the top right

Printing the Op Note

  • Please liaise with your hospital IT staff to get your device linked to the local printer
  • Click the printer icon to print your PDF

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