Template import

Although you could create a patient note from scratch after every operation, this isn't a good use of your time and it isn't how the app is meant to be used. The key to rapid and efficient note creation is to create a series of procedure templates.

The good news is that Praccelerate helps you with this process by providing an excellent set of templates, ready for you to import into your account. You can then edit them to suit your own requirements.

You can use your template as the foundation of your patient note so that 95% of the work is already pre-filled and ready to go. Simply tweak as you need based on the unique circumstances of the operation, and then submit.

  • You can import as many templates as you like.
  • When you import a template, it's sections and associated options are automatically added to your library for use across the application.
  • Once. template has been imported, it can be fully customised to your requirements.

Go to Templates > Import template

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