Quick guide to getting started
Create your account at register.praccelerate.com and then watch the following set of videos to get started quickly.
1. The fundamentals
Understanding tabs, sections, options and selections.
2. Op list, recovery and archive
Op notes and recovery notes are created under an 'Episode of care'. Once both notes have been submitted, the episode of care is archived.
3. Patient notes
Creating op and recovery notes for a patient is both fast and easy using pre-filled templates.
4. Templates
Pre-filled procedure templates are the absolute key to using the application and being able to create patient notes fast. If you don't have the time to set your templates up, send an email to support@praccelerate.com and we will do it for you.
5. Mobile apps
It's best to set your templates up in the browser (on a laptop or desktop computer) and then use the native mobile app on your phone (or tablet) to create patient notes. You can then leverage the device camera as well as speech to text functionality.
Download the app at:
Apple App Store
Google Play Store